Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Lesson 8: Someone Who Loves You Will Help You Succeed, Not Hold You Back.

"Part of the issue of achievement is to be able to set realistic goals, but that's one of the hardest things to do because you don't always know exactly where you're going, and you shouldn't." ~George Lucas
Everyone should have goals in life. Everyone should have that something they want to strive for and achieve. They can be simple, complicated, or a mixture of both. The main thing is that these goals make you happier and make you a better person- even if just in a small way.
If you are with someone you love, you should support them in their quest to achieve their goals. They should also want to help you achieve yours. In the beginning of a relationship, it can be as simple as words of encouragement. Further in, as love grows, one should want to do whatever they are capable of to help them.
This is not just for career, although I am sure people have goals for them. This can be for education, sports, hobbies, collections, travel, experiences, or something just because that only makes sense to them. Someone that loves you should never hold you back from achieving what you desire- especially if that would help make you a better person or something you have always wanted.
It is important to address goals in the beginning to see if there is anything that might conflict with the other person's goals or ideals. For example, having a goal of hunting in Africa might not go over so well if you are trying to date a vegan. One does need to beware of the person who claims to support your goals at first, but later on into the relationship you find them unhelpful or even sabotaging them. chances are they will either never support you or their true feelings for you have changed (or were never genuine). You must address this problem the moment you notice it happening. You do not want to find yourself years beyond being able to reach your goals when they were attainable with support or on your own years before. If you find yourself unable to support your love interest's goals, find out the real reason why and either address it or fix it.
Granted that goals may change as a relationship evolves or interests shift. Suddenly the goal of having a beer in every major pub of Europe might not be so important if you are happily married with kids. The point is if you are with someone you love and they love you in return, they should always support you for individual and common goals. Never should they ever purposely hold you back.
This will only lead to regret later in life. Every goal may not be reached but at least you could say "Hey, I gave it my best and they gave me what help they could." No one should ask for more than that.

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