Saturday, May 15, 2010

Lesson 16: Make a New List of Rules and Standards

A lot of people i know have that mental check list of standards for what they want in another individual. My advice after a break-up, particularly a bad one, is to throw out the old list and start again. This is the perfect time to reevaluate yourself and what you really want in another person.
It is tempting after a broken heart to make a list of 'must-haves' a mile long. If anything make a 'wish-list' a mile long and keep the 'must-haves' to the make or break vitals. For example- I could not be with someone who was a smoker. I have nothing against smoking for someone else but to be with me they cannot smoke. Another trait that is a 'must-have' is kindness. Not a pushover or a wimp, but someone who does not treat others rudely, unfairly, or just is a general asshole. No racism is allowed. Of course, they will also have to like my child.
Have your list of 'must-haves' but be realistic. Mr. and Mrs. Perfect do not exist. It will only lead to a lot of disappointment and possible resentment from people who cannot live up to the impossible standards. Think outside your normal type and look for a person that will treat you well, fits into your realistic 'must-haves', and (as a bonus) has as many of your wish list traits possible.

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